
There are a few stories that have affected me over my years of teaching.  Some have made me sad and some have made me happy - some have made me re-evaluate everything.  Here is one of the happy stories mixed in with a little bit of re-evaluation...

A number of years ago, one of my students was an aspiring film maker.  He was entering a film contest with a film that he had made from start to finish - who does that?  I have no idea how you would even do that!  He was a great kid - I thought he was pretty confident and a great role model.

So, he arranged with our principal to have a screening of his film in our theater one Friday night.  I don't remember the name of the film, but it seems to me that it was some kind of spoof on Indiana Jones.  I liked the kid, so I decided to go to the film screening.

As I was standing there watching the kids come in, I saw him standing off to the side watching the kids come in too.  He looked excited and a little nervous.  I had no idea what the turnout for the film would be - how disappointing to him if NO ONE CAME!  But kids were coming - and lots of kids - they really seemed interested.

Finally, right before the film started, he came over to me with his eyes only a teenager's can...he said - "Mrs. Lamb, I can't believe it - all the cool kids are here!"  I thought he was pretty that just goes to show you - all teenagers can use a boost to their self-confidence!
Today, I am participating in the Soaring through Secondary Blog Hop! First, I would like to send a shout out to   Jennifer Smith-Sloan...
Woo-hoo - I am excited.  I received my Texas Instruments Navigator system in the mail today.  Thank you to Texas Instruments who provided a ...
I have just finished the quadrilaterals unit with my Geometry Honors class.  I have found several things on Teachers Pay Teachers that have ...
I just want to give a sneak peek of a new product I will have in my TPT soon - hopefully this weekend.  It is a fractions workbook!  There i...
Do your students detest fractions?  I know mine do - even the kids that are in my AP Calculus class hate it when a problem involves fraction...
There are lots of ways to put your students into groups. 1)  You can let your students choose their own groups - not very effective with m...
Here is a link to my Pinterest Board:  High School Math Ideas High School Math Ideas Pinterest Board Please enjoy the TPT sale ...
If you have been following along, you know that I have been contributing to the website. Monday and Tuesday (Novem...
I realized something about myself's really weird...I count things.  Yes, I know you are thinking a math teacher that counts t...
If you are interested, check out the linky party at Linky Party There are some great high school materials listed.
How many times have I thought that in the last 20 plus years of teaching?  OK, not so many times in about the first 5 years because I really...
When you're a math teacher, you need a bag of tricks that you can reach into for those moments when some part of the lesson went ...
TI-Nspire = LOVE in Geometry class. I absolutely love that I can do constructions that used to take a ton of time in just a few minutes. ...
I had another terrifying experience while teaching Geometry this week. I was working through a problem in our book and the last question w...
It was an exciting class period recently in my Geometry Honors class.  We switched to having our Honors Students buy TI-Nspire CX calculator...
Another year and another chance to teach students about Geometric Proofs...however, they are all starting to seem the same to me - how can t...
One thing that I think is very important in high school math is that students master certain basic skills.  However, it is very frustrating ...