It's the end of the school year, and although it is easy to look toward summer, who can resist a free math resource!
Here are 10 I've found that are fabulous:
1) First up is a set of guided notes that will help students learn to solve one and two step equations. These notes are by Randi of 4 the Love of Math. She says: I give my students these guided notes one page at a time. Then, I post them on the smart board and we fill them out together. When we fill them out I have students read the notes out loud so that I can include literacy in my lesson. The students then have a resource to use when they complete assignments on solving equations.
2) Second, we have a set of notes by the fabulous Scipi. Math Study Tips You Won't Forget Who can resist - study tips you won't forget???? What a fabulous resource for students. Scipi says: Math courses are not like other courses. To pass most other subjects, a student must read, understand, and recall the subject matter. However, to pass math, an extra step is required: a student must use the information they have learned to solve math problems correctly. Special math study skills are needed to help the student learn more and to get better grades. This resource lists 20 math study skills intended to help students succeed in math. Use the resource as a journal topic, as a student guide, or copy it and make it into a poster.
3) Next up, we have an activity by Lindsey Perro. She has a lot of fun activities in her TPT store that help students practice math, but have fun at the same time. Her free activity is Equations of Lines in Color. This activity helps students practice changing equations into slope intercept form and then graph them. They graph each line in a different color - when they are done, they have a cool design. Easy to grade and fun for students - thumbs up!
4) Are you ready for some Geometry? Ana Zuniga has a poster that will help students remember the difference between complementary and supplementary angles. A worksheet, bell ringer, and exit slip are also included. Complementary and Supplementary Angles
5) The next activity is a freebie from Gina Wilson of All Things Algebra. In this Solving Equations Relay Race, students are divided into groups of 4. Person #1 solves the first equations and passes the paper to Person #2. Person #2 plugs the answer to #1 into their equation and solves - this continues until person #4 solves their problem. The first group to get 4 correct answers receives a free homework pass - Fun for sure!
6) The next idea is really fun. Showing your students a video to get them started learning something? A terrific way to show them real life applications as well. This particular video from Prep Toon shows students an introduction to ratio and proportion.
7) Here is a freebie from me, Teaching High School Math! It is a great one to start students off toward the beginning of algebra or at some time during Pre-Algebra. This is a Maze that students can use to practice solving one and two step equations. Students work their way from one side of the maze to another by solving one or two step equations.
8) The distance formula - it's something every student should know - many students can probably tell you what it is, but how many understand where it comes from? Peter Jonnard has a freebie that is all set up to help your students discover the distance formula - a real time saver!
9) I really like games for Algebra One. Since some kids end up taking Algebra at least a couple of times (Pre-Algebra, eighth grade, freshmen year...) it is great to have things that can teach them and entertain them at the same time. I really like Integer Insanity from Danielle Krantz. This is a game that is played like the game Yahtzee. I am definitely going to try this out.
10) It seems as if everyone is talking about Interactive Notebooks. Here is a freebie from 4mulafun that will help you plan your interactive notebook. There is also a video on the product page that will help explain the interactive notebook and show it in use.
I hope you might consider using some of these activities next year in your classroom!

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