
Playing Bingo in a 1:1 Math Class

There are days when a fun activity is necessary - kids need to practice specific skills, and they need a break from lecturing and practice worksheets.

My students love playing Bingo!  But, I don't like all the time that has to be spent making the bingo cards (it takes students forever to make their own) - or if I make them, it takes forever to make the cards and then laminate them for future use.

Lucky for me, one of my colleagues introduced me to the website Bingo Baker.

This website allows you to enter words and images into a bingo card. [Bingo Baker is freemium tool - it is free to use up to a certain point and then costs $14.95 for a lifetime membership - well worth it in my opinion!]

Here is the beginning of my Antiderivative Bingo Game. (Don't worry, bingo works for any math topic - you don't have to be teaching calculus!)

Notice that I was able to add a graphic to the center space easily - I just dragged and dropped from my computer.  If you want to add something that is easily typed like cos x or 0, you just type it right into the square.  Unfortunately, Bingo Baker doesn't seem to have an equation editor.  However, you can get around this if you have an equation editor that you can save your equations as pictures.  Then you can drag and drop those into your card.

Now to the best part!

Bingo Baker will automatically generate different bingo cards for you!  You can give the class a link to follow and each student will get a different bingo card right on their device.

This is a link to see the screen students would get if they were going to play my St. Patrick's Day Calculus Bingo Game...St. Patrick's Day Calculus Bingo Card

As you can see, if students push generate card, they will get their own card pulled up right on their screen.

Then, I project the questions on the board.  For example, here is a first question for my St. Patrick's Game.

Then all a student has to do is touch the screen where they find the answer to this question.

Do you want to try a Valentine themed Bingo game about Fractions?  

Sign up for my email list and get my Valentine Themed Fractions Bingo Game FOR FREE!

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